- Who can reveal the mystery? 露出,显示,透露,揭露,泄露
- Nobody can reveal the secret of the mysterious smile of the Mona Lisa. 没人能揭开蒙娜丽莎那神秘微笑的秘密。
- One of a race of elves in Irish folklore who can reveal hidden treasure to someone who catches him. 矮妖精爱尔兰民间传说中一种小精灵,可以向抓住它的人指示隐藏的宝藏
- REP-PCR,AFLP technique can reveal the genetic differentiation properly. AFLP和REP-PCR技术均能很好地反映菌株的遗传学差异。
- The research about literary trend can reveal the rule of literary development. 研究文学思潮更能反映出文学的发展流变的规律。
- Solving the mystery of cosmic acceleration will reveal the destiny of our universe. 解开宇宙加速膨胀的谜团将可披露我们宇宙的命运。
- He is the best man who can finish the assignment. 他是能完成这项任务的最佳人选。
- Nitrogen 15 can reveal the extent to which the individual relied on animal or plant protein. 氮15会透露食物中动植物蛋白质的比例。
- Thus, it can be seen that mathematics have already revealed the mystery of Daoism.Mathematics and Daoism are indissolubly linked. 由此可见,数学早就揭示了道学的奥秘,数与道有不解之缘。
- I have a friend here who can fix me up for the weekend. 我这儿有一个朋友可以安排我过这个周末。
- In most cases the user can reveal the reason for false hits by examining the code in the disassembly window (or examining a dump of the object file if possible). 多数情况下,可以在反汇编窗口中检查汇编语句(或检查目标文件)来查出数值获取不正确的原因。
- Conclusion: The cluster analysis can reveal the characteristics of nutritive value,and classify it into different categories reasonably. 结论:聚类分析可用来综合评价食物营养学特征,并将其合理归类。
- He is not a wise man who cannot play the fool upon occasions. 不会在必要的情况下装傻的人,不是聪明人。
- His explanation clarified the mystery. 他的说明解开了这个谜。
- The pidgin language, a mixed language, is a special form of intercultural communication and thus can reveal the forming process of the third culture. 摘要洋泾浜语言是一种混合语言形态,把它作为跨文化传播的特殊形式,可以管窥第三文化雏形的形成过程。
- Time is a preformer giftecd in many ways who can extend his wings in flight,stride ahead on the road,heal the wound,vanish silently and also reveal the truth! 1 时间是个多才多艺的表演者。它能展翅飞翔,能阔步前进,能治愈创伤,能消逝而去,也能揭示真相。
- The detective blundered on the solution to the mystery. 那侦探无意中发现了揭开奥秘的方法。
- We must multiply our efforts to clear up the mystery. 我们必须加倍努力来澄清这一神秘的事件。
- The analysis can reveal the intrinsic characters and the expressing approach in the church, which is also one of the reasons for the existence of the church organization. 通过这些的详细分析,我们可以初步看出教会组织的某些内部特征及其宗教性和社会性表达的途径,而这也正是教会组织存在的合理性资源之一。
- Dam inclination monitoring can reveal the deformation regularity of a dam and its foundation,and help to determine the tilt of the dam body and its stability. 大坝倾斜监测可了解坝体及基础的变形规律,判断坝体倾覆及稳定情况,因而具有重要意义。